Resolutions and My Southern Baptist Roots

I have (secretly) declared 2013 the Year of the Written Word. Secretly, because if I say it out loud I might have to actually follow through. I know, I know. That’s why I’m whispering about it to you. In the spirit of leaning into intentions I have gotten back on the horse as a contributor for It’s Conceivable. Go me!

This month I wrote a not-so-sunny post about funerals and being from the South. If you have your own questions about the authenticity of love the sinner, hate the sin you should check it out here.

Anyone else have intentions, secret or otherwise, for the new year?

Yogi’s Little Brother is Here!!!!

Monkey  is here! He arrived yesterday afternoon and we were thrilled to finally meet him. My wife was able to get him here after pushing for a little more than three (impressive) hours. Pictures soon. For now the details :


7lbs 13oz

21.5″ from toe to tip of cone

Love, Love, Love

Yogi met him shortly afterward and has been chanting his name ever since.

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Toddler on Plane a Success

If you have to travel by plane, meet your in-laws in an airport, and rent a minivan and a car-seat before arriving at your final Turkey Day Celebration destination it would be hard to have a better time of it than we had. In spite of traveling the day before Thanksgiving, we had not one travel snafu. No delays, no frantic rushing and no meltdowns. Yogi had a blast at the airport and if I didn’t think it sounded completely crazy I would say that he enjoyed the plane. I guess I did say it and I really think he did. I could learn alot from this kid.

Now it’s 8 o’clock and my eyes are closing. The three of us (my wife will be pushing Yogi) will be running in a Turkey Trot in the AM so we need our rest. 😉 I probably need something more along the lines of a miracle as I haven’t run this distance since before Yogi was born, but sleep will have to do.

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving everyone!

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Technology Woes

This is a first. I am blogging on a phone. Never say never….

Late this afternoon the four of us (dog included) hit the road for a long weekend in the mountains. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a vacation and now that we’re here I’m thrilled. I was much less thrilled with the packing and preparation.

Traveling is a crazy game these days. We have a station wagon in which we crammed Baker (in the way back), my wife’s bag, the bag Yogi and I share, a cooler with the boy’s milk and dinner, a toy bag for Yogi and a toy bag for us (laptop, books, etc). Oh and also a snack bag.

Yogi was a game traveler although the kid has got a good gig. For much of the trip I sat in back with him reading books/playing and feeding him dinner. Not bad. My wife and I made do with what we could scrounge from the cabinets while Yogi had black beans and cheese, yogurt with the cinnamon and banana. Fed to him while he lounged in his car seat.

Now he’s sitting up in his pack and play holding lovey and checking out his new digs. Sleep soon. And perhaps a wireless connection.

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